
I Tend to NOT Finish Things // Help for the Modern Day Procrastinator

        Yes. Why Hello there--Friends, family, loved ones! I am just going to cut to the chase with this one because my heart is heavy and I am in need of getting my thoughts out!

       I am a slacker, a flake, a half-asser, a modern day procrastinator.   I am in recovery, but this is who I currently am.  I do not finish what I start...I quit, give up, sometimes don't even start things.

Anyone else struggle with this?

       I am just trying to be real, trying to understand what others are doing to stay motivated, to finish projects and goals and to really try to stick to mine.  I have come to some conclusions and have even begun to see some changes and things that really work for me.  So please join me on my jaunt to find how we can find motivation, stay motivated, fight procrastination and achieve our goals.

     Let's not delve too deep into the past and analyze the crap out of my deep rooted issues just yet--although that is always a good place to start.  I want to get to some practical ways of fighting the procrastinators ways, and things that I am currently doing.

Number 1:  Make an achievable list for just ONE day.
* Now I realize this first step may already take you deeper than you may have wanted to go, but get serious with yourself.  What can you really achieve in one day, and actually complete.  You have to semi-know yourself for this one.  This may take a few days of practice, and that is okay!  Trust me, I feel like I should have this down being a twenty-something and doing the whole college/R.A life thing but ya know things change and you have to adapt and sometimes relearn.

Number 2: Grace Baby.
* If number 1 is already a challenge and you are not fulfilling what is on your list--seek out some outside help,  Recruit others or shorten your list until you can get it done.

Number 3: Priorities
* Yes this order seems a bit weird, however I feel that making the lists and having trial and error allows you to see where your time is being spent and what things on your list you are likely to do first and what you put off last.  I.E: Calling a girlfriend up first, calling an insurance company last.

Number 4:  Drawing out goals by 3 month periods.
* This is the step I am currently on.  I have cardboard pieces stuck to my sliding glass door with goals written out causing those goals to stare me in the face!  I have a variety of not so fun goals, ie: "exercising" and fun goals like "blogger button swaps."  Keep it simple, fun and stay motivated--the sky is the limit. But having goals for a few months is really exciting I am learning!

      Again because I am in the stage of "monthly goal" making I have been really good about looking at them everyday and I have begun to cross them off!  Wow is that a good feeling!  It actually may be a sickness....Haha, But seriously, who out there does little check marks and strike-throughs?  That is pretty intense!  Oh I crack myself up--I think the person next to me at Starbucks is looking--oh well!

Okay...On to the last step!

Number 5: Go and do You:
* Translation: Go have yourself a freaking sabbath!  Take care of yourself, get balance, have someone watch your kid and go do something fun, relaxing, nice, hilarious---go to a bookstore and stare at people reading their books.  I don't know what does it for you, but go do it.  Life is funny like that though isn't it?  We try so hard with our lists and to-do's, we don't achieve them, or we do and we feel dissatisfied.  And all we really needed to do was slow down and listen to the soft sweet voice of Jesus.  Remember that guy? He was kind of the one who created this entire world and animals and us and then was like, "ya I'm going to rest this day." Dang he is smart!  We should probably follow Him.

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." (Gen 2:2)

"And early in the morning, while it was still dark, He arose and went out and departed to a lonely place, and was praying there." ( Mark 1:35)

Okay so that is my mini brain baby for tonight. Now go listen to this amazing lady, and love it please.

For all you bilinguals out there we have Spanish subtitles

Oh and this one too...Pandora was gettin' it tonight!  Thank you!

How are your To-Do's going?
How do you find rest and relaxation?
Do you take a Sabbath?

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