
Monday Mama Montage Vol. 12

Having a sick kid is never fun, and it can be so challenging figuring out what they need when they cannot communicate yet. At this stage you kind of try whatever you can to get them in a happy mood again,  So if your kid gets this strain of cold this season, here are a few different things that I did that seemed to help.

1.  Fluids-we cut out milk from her diet the last few days, because it contributes to the phlegm and congestion.  We replaced her milk bottles with pedialyte.  If your kid is like mine, they are not to inclined at drinking water from a sippy cup yet, so I really had to keep her hydrated with warmed up pedialyte.

2.  Cool Mist Vaporizer-My pediatrician recommended a cool mist vaporizer as opposed to the commonly used 'humidifier' which causes the room to steam and potential mold to occur. The cool mist really is a cool mist and allows the room to have moisture without the heat. Awesome device and great investment.

3. Eucalyptus Oil- I used this in the vaporizer and it really seemed to help.

4. Vicks Vapor Rub-Rubbing this on back and chest helps to relieve soreness caused by coughing as well as congestion.

5. Inclined Bed-I propped Riley's bed up with pillows so that she would not get extra stuffy during the night by laying flat.

6. Pouches-I had posted on Facebook what to give your kid when they have a limited appetite due to a cold, and many people suggested pouches.  Those were a hit!  Riley had three in a row-sucked they right down! We used the beechnut brand!

7. Prayer-When our littles are sick, and we as parents cannot just take their cold away, it puts us in a place of humility.  I again was reminded of the little control that I really have, and the infinite control that God has.  He hears us and He hears when you lift your child's sickness to Him.

8. Love-It is super easy to overlook the sickness and see the annoyance in the whining and crying.  Riley was very needy and clingy and in a 'hold me' mode, but I was reminded in those moments how small this time is with her like this.  It will not be long before she is taking her own medicine, not needing to be rocked to sleep, or wanting me to hold her.  Taking in that truth in those moments where my patience was thin, extended grace and understanding.

Having sick babies is so hard as parents, and hopefully some of these things will help if your little happens to get sick.

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